Friday, February 28, 2014

February Mix

It's done! Here is my mix for February
February Mix 2 by Kason on Grooveshark
Now, it should be no secret that I adore the song "Rocketship" by Mood Ruff, but for some reason, it is relatively unheard of. Since I've been listening to a lot of hip-hop this month (as evidenced by the mix), I included it in the mix because it's just so great. Of course, the mix includes some of my favorites that came out this past month. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dead Professional, Black Lion, and February Mix Coming

Here is some fantastic indie pop from Dead Professional whom I discovered via Twitter. I love it when that happens.

And here is some great Hip-Hop from, if you can believe it, Logan, Utah. My girlfriend had a hard time believing these guys are seriously Utahns, but I'll be damned if they're not the funkiest Loganites I've ever heard. Go Aggies.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

St. Vincent, Holly Herndon and Kale Mattson

You guys, St. Vincent released a new album. Freaking, yes!
Here's a song called "Digital Witness" from that self-titled release
You can purchase the new (awesome) record at many fine retailers, but here is a link to the Insound Vinyl page

If you are still hungry for more, my girlfriend introduced me to this awesome song, "Chorus," yesterday.

And to top it all off, I discovered this fantastic artist on a whim. I clicked on his page on bandcamp because of the artwork, and low and behold, I love his stuff. I then noticed that Pitchfork had actually reviewed his album, so he must be somewhat well known. Here is a glimpse of the album Someday, The Moon will be Gold by Kale Mattson.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Kelvin Jones "Call You Home"

This guy blew up on Reddit today, for good reason. This song is awesome
He's awesome enough to have everything downloadable for free on his Soundcloud, but he has set up his bandcamp to accept donations here

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Frankie Cosmos "Birthday Song"

I seriously think I'm in love with this song, and possibly this whole band.
You can preorder their album here, out "on or before" March 4th.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Angel Olsen, Yumi Zouma, and Sun Kil Moon

Beautiful song by Sun Kil Moon from his fantastic new record that released last week, titled Benji. 

If that's not enough greatness for February, Angel Olsen is also releasing a new record next tuesday. Here is my favorite song I've heard from it thus far

And to top it all off, here's a lovely ambient/house track from Yumi Zouma

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mas Ysa "Shame"

This is a gorgeous track. It's got a taste of the best M83 in there, but it is definitely its own thing.